Sunday, October 10, 2010

Redefining Beautiful Week 3: Chapters 3 & 4

Last Weeks Girls Group was amazing!  I love you girls!  I feel so blessed to be leading you!  Ok so this week we learned how important dad's are in the lives of thier little girls!  We talked about where our style influence comes from.  Guess what it's our dad's as well!  (Really!)  You may or may not see it now, but three big areas of life are significantly influenced by a daughter's relationship with her dad. 

the way she looks at herself
the way she looks at others
the way she looks at God

So dad's you have a very important job!

Please remember whether your dad is wonderful, terrible or somewhere inbetween, no earthly dad is perfect enough to flawlessly complete our look.  (only our heavenly father can!)

Next Meeting Sunday October 17th 6:30-8 p.m. Room 301

See ya there!  Have a Beautiful Day!


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