Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Shoe Boxes of Love

Last Girls Group we had a great time of sharing, I shared part of my story with the girls!  Heard an Amazing Song You are More! and filled some shoe boxes with love!  Our Children's Ministry service project for the month of November was working with Operation Christmas Child.  We decided to get in on the fun!  The girls got a list and each brought some things to fill in a shoe box.  We then paired up and had some laughs and great fun as we filled the boxes with some essentials like soap, tooth paste, tooth brush etc... as well as some fun little treats like stuffed animals, markers, toys, and candy.  We added our pictures and some fun letters, and prayed for the children who will receive them! As a group we made 15 boxes! Way to go girls! So very proud of you! Here are some pictures to show the fun! 

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